Seminary Class marking the scriptures in their "Puken Mormon"
Sister Duncan conducting a Scripture Mastery Activity with Scriptures held on the board with magnets.
Today is Saturday, March 20. Things have slowed down just a bit for us. We had 4 dvd’s to show to 3 different branches last month. This month we have only 1 dvd to show to 2 different branches. But, we have some company coming from Guam!
Elder and Sister Clarke are coming to visit the islands. We will take them out to Uman and Tonoas islands so they can see the churches there and the apartments that the Elders live in. The Clarkes are a new couple and we are anxious to meet them.
Chuuk is in it’s dry season, and it IS dry! All the puddles in the roads have dried up. All the water tanks are empty, and the local folk are frantically looking for water where ever they can find it! The vegetation is turning brown, too. Very different from the Chuuk we have seen over the past 12 months!
But it has rained off and on over the past 3 days, so the drought is not so bad now.
We have now been in Chuuk for one year. It has gone by very quickly.
Freddie Nicerio, our supervisor, will be coming in April to meet with our Seminary teachers. We are looking forward to that.
Then we have the District Scripture Mastery Activity on April 17. We are REALLY looking forward to THAT! We have put a lot of work into it, and it should be a lot of fun for the kids!
May should bring the Open House for the new Mwan Chapel and then the Seminary/Institute Graduation on May 29.
Love your skirt. Noticed that the girls have one skirts like the ones worn in Pohnpei. Tell Freddie "hi" from the Murdocks when you see him. Take care
Elder and Sister Murdock
So does Chuuk have two couples now?
Sounds still busy. Enjoy every minute!
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