On the way to Graduation, we picked up the bakery cinnamon rolls, chocolate chip and coconut cookies at Truk Stop; enough to feed 110 people. At the new Mwan Chapel, we set up for the meeting.
We talked to Sam Roby and found out that one of the students we have been carrying on his roll all year long was only 11 years old. He, of course, could not receive a Certificate of Completion. We asked the Seminary students to set in the center. The adults sat on the sides. Brother Freddie Nicerio had made up 50 copies of the program, so we gave each of the Seminary Students one as they came in the door. At start time, Romanum had not arrived yet, so we waited a bit, but as they did not arrive, we started. We had them sing to the organ which plays the songs like a player piano. But it plays them fast like they are sung in the states. Many of the Seminary students had never sung the songs that fast. In Chuuk, they sing them slow and with a lot of pauses in them.
We did have to make some adjustments in the program. The girl from Romanum who was to give the Opening Prayer wasn’t there. So President Wainis asked the young man who was to give the Closing Prayer to give the Opening Prayer instead.
We handed out a special Recognition Certificate to each of the teachers and I read a short positive statement about each of them. I had President Wainis translate it. TM Mailo was there in his wheel chair, but when Sister Duncan wheeled him over to receive his, he wanted to stand to receive it. So he did. Mostly on his right leg, but he could use his left a bit. It was a very touching scene. Then his Branch President wheeled him back.
Ricksita Ichin from Mwan introduced the theme from 1 Nephi 3:7. She gave a well prepared talk. For a musical number, all the Seminary students sang “The Books in the Book of Mormon”. Then both our 4-year graduates, Bryleen Rotuk and Osimichy Yomichy Kata from Sapuk spoke. Both talks were very well done.
We handed out the Book of Mormon Certificates of Completion. Sister Duncan called their name and they came up one at a time and received the Certificate from President Wainis and shook his hand, then shook mine. We had their Branch President stand in line with us and shake their hand also. We skipped Romanum since they still had not arrived, and started to recognize those that received the Certificate of Achievement and Graduation. We had them all standing when Romanum arrived. So we had them set back down. We recognized Tasiana Wolbert for teaching this year and we handed out the Certificates of Completion to the Romanum Students.
Then we had those receiving the Certificate of Achievement and Graduation stand again. Sister Duncan reminded me to give the required statement of presentation, and President accepted the students. We had each student come up and receive their Certificate of Achievement. Then we called the two graduates up and gave them special recognition for their four years of hard work.
It was a bit out of sync because of Romanum coming in late, but everything got covered and we handed out 81 awards to 50 students and 11 teachers. It was a very rewarding day.
President Wainis announced we wanted to take pictures of all the students, and also asked them not to eat in the chapel. We had our Closing Song. He called on President Masauo from Tonoas to give the Closing Prayer because the Romanum girl had not come on the boat.
I went to the breeze way and directed the students into the cultural hall. It went better than expected. Some of the kids didn’t come to get their awards and some wouldn’t come in to get their picture taken. But we got most of them; 56 students in the picture.
Then we had the ones that received awards stay and let the rest go out to eat. We only got 32 of the 51 students plus 11 teachers in that picture. That was disappointing to me. But some just would not come in and be a part of it and some had not come at all.
Then we got shots of the 2 4-year graduates with their Branch President, Elder Tuaitanu who is also their seminary teacher, and us.
We helped with the handing out of the refreshments. Sue had asked Marsine Joseph, Herael Sowas and Sandra Matisima to help hand out the refreshments. It worked quite well. We ran out of goodies so got our pan of brownies and 2 dozen cookies from the truck for them.
As people left, we helped with the clean up and then Sister Matisima had a meal of bread fruit in a green sauce, reef fish, chicken leg, and rice for the teachers. We ate some with them. It was a great day for us and we felt it was a very successful year.