In anticipation of leaving early in the morning, I was awake in every hour of the night. I was awake when the clock changed to 4:00 AM and I woke Sue. We arose, had Individual Prayers, prepared for the day, ate cold cereal and left the house at 4:35 AM. We drove to the Mwan boat dock where the new Mwan Chapel is being built and Herman Walter was already there. He opened the gate for us. We woke S-Mate Otup and Bricker Walter, the boat helper; they were sleeping on the cement sea wall and even the flash light in their faces didn’t wake them. Herman had to speak to them to wake them. Bricker, the new helper got the shuttle boat close to shore for us and we got in. He polled us all out to the missionary boat. We used flashlights. It was still pitch dark when we pulled away. I took lots of pictures to see what the camera could record as the sun finally rose.
The water was like glass, not even enough ripples to see where the reefs were, so Herman slowed down to see better. We watched the sun come up as we arrived at Uman. We walked to the church and Samper Billy was already there. We attended his class. He had 3 students show up. KJan Jack was the seminary teacher last year and he is in the class as a student this year. He seemed very happy to be there.
Brother Billy had put up on the board 2 Nephi 25:30 to study today. But the Chuukese Book of Mormon does not have that part of the Book of Mormon translated. He asked if we were going to teach and we said he could and we might do a Scripture Mastery activity after he was done. So he went to the next chapter that was translated; chapter 29. He had us all take turns reading some verses and then he would talk a while in between them. I read 2 long verses and was pleased I did as well as I did. It was a good class. I was so glad he recovered from what he had put on the board and still taught a good lesson.
He turned it to us and Sister Duncan wrote the 6 scripture references on the left side of the brownboard and the clues mixed up on the right and had the students come up one at a time to connect them correctly. Then she told the students to remember all 6 of them and we did another Scripture Mastery game where 2 of them come up and write the reference on the board after Sister Duncan gave them clues in Chuukese. The first one to get it right gets a ‘high-5’ I did the erasing of the board. The last one she did was having us all stand in a circle and reciting the scripture from slips of paper she had typed out in Chuukese. I think they liked the ones at the brownboard better.
We turned it back to Samper Billy and he picked the closing song and called on KJan Jack to offer the Closing Prayer. They all shook our hands and left when they were ready. We gathered our things and thanked Samper for teaching. He seemed pleased.
We walked back to the boat dock and Herman was ready for us. We had an exceptionally smooth ride home. Back on Weno, we bought him 20 gallons of gas at a cost of $79.00 and took it back to them. That is what it cost us for the boat to take us out to the Uman Island. We will get that reimbursed to us next month when we turn in the receipts. Then we came straight home. I down loaded the pictures. Sue peeled and we ate 2 kiwi; YES, Kiwi here on Chuuk. They were both quite tart but we ate them anyway. We deleted quite a few of the pictures that were too dark and enjoyed looking at the rest. But it was a very successful morning and we got back to our apartment about 9 AM. We had already put in 4.5 hours of S&I work and really enjoyed it.